Olga Pruitt




1st period...8:05-8:55

2nd period...8:59-9:49 (VIRTUAL)

3rd period...9:53-10:43


4th period...11:41-12:31

5th period...12:35-1:25 (PLANNING)

6th period...1:29-2:19 (VIRTUAL)

7th period...2:23-3:10




Virtual Spanish

C7 Spanish

Monday and Wednesday

2nd period @ 9:00am

6th period @ 1:30pm

C8 Spanish

Tuesday and Thursday

2nd period @ 9:00am

6th period @ 1:30pm

Spanish Zoom


Meeting ID: 966 4362 8299

Passcode: pruitt


Virtual Mentoring

Virtual Mentoring students will meet with me on Fridays. A schedule will be posted on Google Classroom soon.

We will meet using Zoom.

Mentoring Zoom


Meeting ID: 966 4362 8299

Passcode: pruitt


About Mrs. Pruitt...

I am from Bogota, Colombia. I moved to the United States in 2012. I have a Foreign Languages with a major in Spanish from the University of Montevallo. I graduated Cum Laude. I became an American Citizen in August 2020. My next goal is to obtain a Masters in Educational Leadership. 

Important Dates

Tuesday, 9/15: Quiz

Thursday, 9/16: Test